I've been a fan of programming by way of typing in computer listings from magazines and books from back in the 80s. Whenever it came to 80 micro, RUN, Rainbow, and so on, these listings really helped a complete nerd like me solve boredom. Now there aren't any of these magazines around and that has me kind of sad.
I've bought a Hydra game programming kit, and Andre LaMothe, the genius behind this and other books in game programming just seems over my head right now. I really want to learn how to program this thing, but I wanted to start off with a "Hello World!" simple program and go from there.
I've collected an assortment of magazines and books from various 80s computer platforms, and with the numerous sources of Propeller programming material online comes the genesis of this blog.
So here's the deal. I'm not a professor, nor a professional, nor an expert, and this should not be treated as an authority on programming. This is an infrequent hobby. The scope of this is on the Hydra and understanding how the Propeller language works through mucking around.
To preserve copyright, the original listings of the programs will not be posted. The original programmer, the date and publication will be listed. As well, a .jpg of the Propeller listing will also be added (to encourage the reader to type\alter the program in for themselves).
By the way, "8X micro" is a nod to 80 Micro, but it has a double meaning: the main CPU of the Hydra is a P8X32A-D40
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